Alera, the last member of Silver Sentinels.

Ryoko San
7 min readApr 7, 2024


I’m Alera, the last member of the ancient order of the Silver Sentinels, and this is my story.

Chapter 1: The Crimson Eclipse

Alera’s lithe elven form cut a striking silhouette against the ethereal woodlands of Araveln, her silver-white hair cascading like a luminous waterfall over chiseled features. Clad in mystical armor that seemed to drink in the forest’s verdant glow, she clutched the ancestral runeblade Lumingàr, its brilliant edge pulsing with barely contained power.

As the last surviving member of the Silver Sentinels, an ancient order sworn to defend the elven realms from the insidious forces of Chaos, a heavy burden rested upon Alera’s shoulders. The crimson eclipse was nigh — a cosmic confluence that would tear apart the boundaries between planes of existence, allowing the vile Erebre and their demon ilk to breach into Araveln once more.

Alera’s crimson eyes narrowed, for she could already sense the befouled essence of the chaos spawn seeping into the hallowed groves like insidious miasma. The Balekins, horrific vanguard of the Erebre, had already infiltrated the inner sanctums, their sickening tread leaving a profane taint upon sacred ground.

Chapter 2: The Dragonlord’s Lair

Lumingàr’s brilliant luminance carved a path through the obsidian depths of Mount Cthalyr, the lair of the dreaded black dragonlord Narfyxxius. Molten rock flowed like hellish rivers, the searing air wavering from the intense heat. Yet Alera pressed onwards undaunted, for Narfyxxius’ blazing seal was the first of four demonic pacts she must sunder to weaken the Erebre’s grip on this reality.

Emerging into a vast cavern lit by a churning lake of lava, Alera came face to face with the dragonlord himself. Narfyxxius reared back, his massive scaled body blotting out the dim crimson light as he unleashed a devastating torrent of dragon fire. The Silver Sentinel deftly weaved between the blazing jets, Lumingàr’s brilliance shielding her from the inferno. With a mighty leap, she avoided the dragonlord’s snapping jaws to pierce straight through his armored hide, shattering the fiery seal binding him to the material plane.

As the first demonic pact shattered, Alera felt the cosmic forces realign like a weight lifted from her very soul. But her respite was fleeting, for three more dread challenges awaited…

Chapter 3: The Drowned City

The path onwards took Alera into the heart of the drowned city of Yl’Theria, the ancestral home of the serpent-folk that had fallen prey to some ancient cataclysm. Now the ruins lay submerged beneath a vast underground lake, its stagnant waters gripped by a profane miasma of decay.

Grim shadows shifted beneath the putrid depths as Alera waded into the black waters, Lumingàr’s glow piercing the gloom. Daring not to breathe the befouled air, she pressed on relentlessly until the looming silhouette of Yl’Theria’s central ziggurat took shape ahead. There, amidst the creeping tendrils of despair that clung to these drowned halls, lurked the aquatic horror K’thraxor — its inevitable death-knell heralding the next seal’s unbinding.

The bioluminescent predator struck without warning, a gaping maw of fangs erupting from the murky depths to engulf Alera. But the Sentinel was ready, Lumingàr’s brilliant edge cleaving upwards to sever one of K’thraxor’s massive tentacles in a spray of ichor. A protracted battle of wills and blades ensued, the eldritch beast’s cold calculation matched by Alera’s blessed might…

Chapter 4: The Frozen Wastes

Emerging bloodied but unbowed from the drowned city, Alera’s path next took her to the frozen tundra at the roof of the world. Here, the scattered barbarian clans still clung to their primal ways, eternally battling for survival against the Rimemaw — a gargantuan worm-like entity comprised of living ice that eternally devoured all in its path.

The Rimemaw’s insatiable hunger was fueled by the third demonic seal festering like a malignant heart within its crystalline form. Braving flesh-scouring winds and bone-rattling chills that would freeze a lesser being solid, Alera sought out the aid of the fearsome Ice-Kin warriors. Only by combining their ferocious might could they hope to shatter the Rimemaw’s impenetrable outer shell.

An epic confrontation played out across the endless glacial planes, heroic battle-cries and the clash of weapons echoing into the unforgiving skies. Alera deftly evaded the Rimemaw’s snapping maws while the savage Ice-Kin hammered away at its defenses. At last, an opening was forged — and with a mighty leap, the Silver Sentinel plunged Lumingàr straight into the eldritch worm’s pulsing core, banishing the dark energies binding the third seal.

Chapter 5: The Last Twilight

As the sun began its final descent over the besieged realms of Araveln, Alera stood alone before the shattered remnants of the ancient oak Vraelgàr — hallowed spiritual nexus connecting all planes of existence. This sacred world-tree had fallen prey to the unbridled fury of the Erèbre, who now gathered their full might to prevent the final seal from being broken.

Waves of chaotic demon-spawn assailed Alera from all sides in a relentless onslaught as she fought her way to Vraelgàr’s blighted heart. Sorcerous flames and profane ichor lashed against her silver armor as she cut a burning path straight into the seething horde, Lumingàr’s brilliance blazing defiance against the all-consuming darkness.

At last she stood before the blasted remnants of Vraelgàr’s roots, the final corrupted seal pulsing with virulent chaos energies amidst a maelstrom of ethereal maleficence. Raising Lumingàr high, Alera called upon the full extent of the ancestral runeblade’s radiant powers as the blood moon crested overheard, unlocking the latent celestial light sealed within her very soul.

As Lumingàr transcended its mortal form in an apocalyptic explosion of light and shadow, the Last Sentinel made her final stand — her immortal elven essence wholly unbinding to summon the eternal Avatar of Light. In that blinding instant, the hungering chaos was forever driven back across the cosmos, banishing the encroaching tides of the Erèbre into the eternal Void.

When the brilliant cataclysm at last subsided, only a ghostly afterimage remained of the heroic Alera — her sacrificial essence forging a new legacy that would echo throughout the ages. For even when all light flickers and hope seems lost, a single unyielding spark can rekindle the eternal flame against the endless night.

The Condensed Story

Alera, the last member of Silver Sentinels.

For eons, my noble lineage has safeguarded the elven realms from the insidious forces of Chaos that constantly threaten to engulf our world in eternal darkness. Clad in a mystical armor forged from pure celestial light, I wield the ancestral blade Lumingàr, a legendary runeblade capable of banishing even the foulest of demons back to the Void.

As the crimson eclipse draws nearer, the boundaries between realms grow thinner, allowing the Erèbre, vile chaos spawn, to breach into our realm and sow destruction upon the sacred woodland groves. Their vanguard, the dreaded Balekins, have already infiltrated the inner domains, desecrating our most hallowed grounds with their befouled presence.

It falls upon me to embark on a perilous quest to the four corners of Araveln and shatter the demonic seals that maintain the Erèbre’s foothold in our reality. Only by unlocking the full extent of Lumingàr’s radiant powers can I hope to summon the eternal Avatar of Light before the bloodmoon crests — our sole hope of driving back the encroaching tides of Chaos.

My first arduous trial led me into the obsidian depths of Mount Cthalyr, lair of the baleful black dragonlord Narfyxxius. Streams of molten rock flowed like hellish rivers as I descended into that fiery pit, shielded only by Lumingàr’s brilliant aura. Narrowly evading the dragonlord’s devastating inferno breath, I pierced straight through Narfyxxius’ armored hide to sunder the blazing seal binding him to this realm.

As the first demonic pact fell, I could feel the cosmic forces realigning, rays of hope piercing through the perpetual gloom that had seeped into these forsaken lands. But my respite was short-lived, for I knew three more dread challenges awaited on my solemn charge to thwart the return of the Chaos Gods.

The path ahead only grows more treacherous from here…I can sense the Erèbre’s vile agents closing in, their putrid essence leaving a befouled taint upon the very air I breathe. They will stop at nothing to obstruct my consecrated calling — for if I prevail, their total undoing across all planes of existence is assured.

Yet I cannot falter, even if success might require the ultimate sacrifice: the unbinding of my immortal elven soul to fuel Lumingàr’s transcendent luminescence. The future of Araveln and countless other worlds lies weighted upon the edge of my blade. Brace yourselves, denizens of the Prime Material Plane, for the legacy of the Silver Sentinels shall be forged anew amidst the rising cataclysm!



Ryoko San

Goals are about winning the game. Systems are about learning how to play the game so that even after you’ve won, you can keep playing and succeeding.