The Ink War: HP Sued by Disgruntled Printer Owners Over “Ink Racket”

Ryoko San
2 min readApr 13, 2024


When Printing Turns Into an Inky Black Crisis

In the realm of consumer vs. manufacturer disputes, we’ve seen smartphone wars, console battles, and streaming skirmishes. But who could have predicted that one of the biggest recent scandals would erupt over something as mundane as printer ink? Yet that’s exactly the situation facing tech giant HP, which has been dragged to court by a group of customers determined not to be trapped in what they call the “ink racket.”

HP Accused of Forcing Customers’ Hand

At the heart of the case is a shady firmware update rolled out by HP in late 2022. A seemingly innocuous patch that allegedly ended up locking affected printers from using any third-party ink cartridges. A digital straitjacket imposed on customers without their consent, forcing them to buy only HP-branded ink.

And the prices for those precious HP cartridges are no secret: a downright scam in the eyes of the plaintiffs, who decry outrageous costs of up to $2,380 per liter according to some estimates! Liquid gold for mere printer ink.

The Ink War Escalates

Unsurprisingly, affected customers quickly took up arms after the update rendered their already-purchased third-party ink cartridges useless. Outraged, they decided to strike back by filing a class-action lawsuit demanding compensation.

In their complaint, the plaintiffs pull no punches, accusing HP of intentionally “seeking to take advantage of customers’ sunk costs” by crippling their printers. Worse, they claim never having agreed to use only HP ink before the contested update was deployed.

For its part, HP is defending itself by claiming full transparency, asserting its printers were always intended to work solely with security-chipped proprietary cartridges. A “dynamic security” measure meant to thwart counterfeit products, according to the manufacturer.

But the plaintiffs aren’t buying that explanation, seeing it as a mere pretext to lock them into a closed system and block cheaper third-party ink purchases. They are thus seeking damages to cover the costs of their now-useless third-party cartridges, as well as an injunction forcing HP to disable these restrictions.

An epic legal battle now looms between the corporate giant and a rebellion of its own customers. Who will emerge victorious from this ink war? The case is sure to fuel controversy for some time to come!



Ryoko San

Goals are about winning the game. Systems are about learning how to play the game so that even after you’ve won, you can keep playing and succeeding.